Coach profile - Penny Wilkin
Tell us about your swimming background. I swam as a kid but nothing serious and I just loved anything to do with water sports. I started triathlon in about 2003 when I got fed up with getting slower at running and that’s when I started to do some more swimming again. As a triathlete I want to be faster! In the beginning, I was so bad at cycling and running I thought I needed all the help I could get. So that’s what initially prompted me to go for some Total Immersion swimming lessons. I made so much progress in 6 weeks just by focussing on improved movement that it sparked my passion for swimming! Since then I’ve swum Round Jersey in a 3 person relay and completed 2 English Channel crossings with a 6 person relay team. I’m still obsessed with triathlon and have raced at all distances all over the world including 6 Ironmans with the most recent being Barcelona Ironman in 2019. Since the swimming pools are still closed in the post-co-vid restrictions I’m swimm...